Anders Holm Associate Patent AWA Helsingborg, Sweden

Anders Holm

Associate - Patent
M.Sc. Industrial Economics and Management/MBA, B.Sc. Computer Engineering

Anders previously worked as a software developer, focusing on developing Content Management Systems and E-commerce solutions. He has experience with chatbot development within the Microsoft Bot Framework with LUIS (machine learning-based language understanding). Anders is a Professional Scrum Master and has worked as a project manager on certain projects. He has also completed an MBA from Blekinge Institute of Technology, which has enhanced his ability to integrate technology with finance and strategy in an engineering context.



Contact information

Visiting address:

Stortorget 17
252 20 Helsingborg, Sweden


  • English
  • Icelandic
  • Swedish


  • M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2024
    Completed MBA program as part of the M.Sc. degree
  • B.Sc. Computer Engineering, The Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, 2016