
WEBINAR: IP Organisation and IP Infrastructure

A topic that has a noticeable impact on IP operations is the IP organization/infrastructure. This internal vehicle is responsible for executing the nitty gritty details of the daily IP operations. This webinar will deal with aspects related to designing and operating an IP infrastructure in a company. It is important to point out that this...

Ge ditt företags hållbarhetsarbete en boost

AWA Sweden – huvudkontoret Matrosgatan 1, Malmö, Sweden

Hållbarhet – inte minst ur miljösynpunkt – är ett prioriterat område för många av AWA:s kunder. Vi är därför glada att kunna bjuda in till ett frukostmöte på hållbarhetstemat med två huvudspår. Dels kommer vi att presentera vad man som företag bör tänka på när man vill lyfta fram sitt hållbarhetsarbete i sin marknadsföring –...

Boost your company’s sustainability work

AWA Malmö office Matrosgatan 1, Malmö, Sweden

On the January 25, there will be a breakfast meeting on the topic of sustainability in AWA's head office in Malmö, Sweden. The meeting is co-hosted by Celemi. Link to invitation and registration.

AWA at IPOwners Spring Summit

We are excited to connect at the IPOwners Spring Summit from March 6 to 7. It is time to catch up with our partners worldwide to discuss future collaborations and continued efforts. Sidsel Hauge and Joacim Lydén will be in Washington D.C. for the event. Please do not hesitate to contact them to set up...

Meet AWA at IQPC IP Exchange

We are excited to connect at the IQPC IP Exchange. It is time to catch up with our partners worldwide to discuss future collaborations and continued efforts. Kristina Walls, Rikard Lundgren and Ai-Leen Lim  will be in Dusseldorf for the event. Please do not hesitate to contact them to set up meetings.

AI-genererade bilder i marknadsföring – risk eller möjlighet?

AWA Malmö office Matrosgatan 1, Malmö, Sweden

AI-genererat material är ett omdiskuterat ämne, inte minst användningen av sådant material i marknadsföring. Samtidigt väcker det flera frågor – särskilt ur ett upphovsrättsligt perspektiv. Vi är därför glada att kunna bjuda in till ett frukostseminarium på temat AI-genererade bilder i marknadsföring. Vi inleder med att presentera det upphovsrättsliga regelverket och dess utmaningar i förhållande...

Meet AWA at INTA 2024 in Atlanta

We are pleased to share that we have a delegation of 13 from across our offices in Europe and Asia at INTA 2024 in Atlanta. Please feel free to e-mail any of AWA’s representatives at INTA to connect and set up meetings. We look forward to seeing you there. Belgium Arie Mout – European and...

Breakfast seminar: Navigating IPR opportunities and risks when using generative AI

AWA Malmö office Matrosgatan 1, Malmö, Sweden

Are you a developer looking to use generative AI to improve your products? A creator looking to use generative AI to boost your creative process? A business wanting to manage your use (internal and in collaboration with third parties) of generative AI from an IP perspective? Or are you simply curious about the IP aspects...

Meet AWA at BIO International Convention

Mikael Henriksson and Michael Bech Sommer are representing AWA at the BIO International Convention from 3 to 6 June in San Diego, California – USA. Please feel free to e-mail any of them to connect and set up a meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.

Meet AWA at the ECTA 42nd Annual Conference

Dominique Rifon,  Stéphanie Dujardin and Sissel Bøe-Sollund are attending the ECTA 42nd Annual Conference from June 19 to 21 in Antwerp, Belgium. Please do not hesitate to contact Dominique or Stéphanie to set up meetings during the event.

Meet AWA at ISCT EU in Gothenburg, Sweden

Joanna Applequist is attending the 2024 ISCT EU Regional Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, The event brings together an expansive network of CGT professionals to address topics and current challenges to drive the field forward and break down barriers to enable greater access to patients. Please do not hesitate to contact any of AWA’s representatives to...