, Awards and Rankings

The Legal 500 lists AWA Asia as a Leading Firm

We are excited to announce that AWA Asia has again been ranked as a leading firm by The Legal 500 in the 2023 edition for the Asia Pacific region.

In addition to the firm ranking, Ai-Leen Lim, Xiaofan Chen and Ashley Zhao were ranked individually as recommended lawyers for Intellectual Property: Foreign Firms in China.

The Legal 500 obtained the following testimonials as part of the research process:

‘AWA Asia consistently achieves the best results for clients. In addition, it is the most accurate at predicting how a matter will go and how much it will cost.’

‘Its advice is invaluable in helping US clients decide whether to fight a rejection or file an opposition, and whether it would be worth the spend. Its pragmatism sets it apart from other law firms in China that want to give clients a treatise on the law, but offer little guidance into how/why the client would want to choose one avenue over the other in terms of prosecution or enforcement.’

‘The team has many different skills, which is perfect for clients dealing with many issues at the same time.’

Published annually, The Legal 500 Asia Pacific provides commentary and insight into the legal marketplaces of 25 Asia Pacific jurisdictions. Researchers conduct extensive research into each jurisdiction, canvassing law firms and contacting more than 300,000 clients for feedback on the lawyers they instruct.

To view the full rankings, please visit The Legal 500